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So far NMElawAdmin has created 17 blog entries.

Joint Venture Partners Need More Than Tech to Form a Bond

Personal connections between people from different businesses comprising a joint venture (JV) company can make all the difference in making JV arrangements work well. JV leaders should consider how best to foster those connections from the outset. Technology can help with this, but it is unlikely on its own to enable the close relationships JV [...]


Debt Relief & Management

Few things in life are more stressful than facing a hefty amount of debt. No matter how much you owe, debt can make living your life nearly impossible. Whether it is creditors seeking repayment or collection agencies leaving threatening messages, nothing about the situation is easy. Fortunately, there are many methods available that can help [...]


Creditor Collection Methods

Once a court has entered a judgment against a debtor, a creditor will have more options for collecting the debt than they would otherwise. Most often, a creditor will seek to collect the debt from the debtor’s income, bank accounts, and personal property. States make certain assets exempt from collections efforts, however, even if the [...]



Many contracts contain arbitration clauses, which provide that a dispute related to the contract must be resolved through arbitration rather than litigation. Consumers may not realize when their contracts with corporations are controlled by these clauses, and they tend to be unfamiliar with the arbitration process. Sometimes arbitration clauses are very detailed, governing the choice [...]


Oil Companies and Libya Investment Law

Libya investment law provides investing opportunities almost in all business sectors, one of which is oil and gas. This article discusses how foreign oil companies can establish a presence in Libya.Libya Investment Libya is not only notorious for being one of the most stringent Middle East countries in enacting oil regulations but also is known [...]


International tax changes

Intellectual property is intangible property that arises out of mental labour. It encompasses inventions, designs, and artistic work. Federal and state laws give certain rights and protections to those who develop creative works to exclusively control intangible assets in the form of: • Copyrights • Patents • Trademarks • Trade Secrets In general, Intellectual [...]

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